I thought this was an excellent montage. go check it out.
Of course only about ten percent of readers will actually see this post since fireant for mac and itunes only show posts with video enclosures. Gotta come up with a way to deal with that.
Posted by brad at October 18, 2005 12:53 PMYou're right this is an excellent montage. I went to this guy's site and it looks like he's shooting stuff in HDV. That's some big, good looking video.
Posted by: Josh at October 19, 2005 12:42 PMI went there again to show christine, and the files only plays to a few minutes in. It looks like the server doesn't serve up the whole file and just kinda cuts out at a random point. too bad. Don't know if you were able to see the whole thing or not. It really is excellent.
Posted by: Brad at October 19, 2005 12:53 PM